Frieda's poems run the gamut from whimsical to philosophical.
Life and death, love and anger, childhood reminiscences and meditations on aging — all are grist for her poetical mill.
The following pages feature some of our — her devoted fans — favorite titles.
Some have been previously published in Soundings (1995), some in Listening (1999), and some in Pillow Poems (2013).
Others have been featured in newspapers and magazines, in Montpelier, Vermont's "National Poetry Month" competitions, and one — When the Sea Calls — is slated to be set in concrete in Key West, Florida, as a winner of that Southern-most city's First Poetry on Sidewalk Contest.

Pillow Poems front cover.........listening cover frieda

soundings cover frieda ......... Pasted Graphic

Pillow Poems and Listening are available for purchase.
Pillow Poems: $9.95 plus shipping.
Listening: $6.95 plus shipping.
Please email for details.